Intervju med Daina Indriksone!

Daina Indriksone og Baltic Environmental Forum ser etter samarbeidspartnere i Norge! 


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Daina Indriksone er prosjekt manager i Baltic Environmental Forum
Daina Indriksone er prosjekt manager i Baltic Environmental Forum


Sist onsdag møtte jeg Daina Indriksone som jobber i Baltic Environmental Forum. Daina som er prosjekt manager i BEF fortalte om at de ser etter kontakter i Norge som de kan jobbe tettere  sammen om miljøsaker med, samarbeide og kunne dele erfaringer. Hun poengterer også at det menneskelige løpet er mye viktigere, enn hvor mye kapital og penger man har.

Baltic Environmental Forum er en ikke-statlig organisasjon (NGO). Organisasjonen ble opprettet i 1995 for å skulle være en teknisk støtte prosjekt for å styrke samarbeidet mellom de baltiske miljøorganisasjonene. Under intervjuet pratet Daina heftig om at de ser etter norske organisasjoner som de kan samarbeide med om miljøsaker og dele erfaringer. Vi er så heldig fordi på grunn av min reise, kan det skje! 

Ellers dreide intervjuet seg om Latvia sin miljøsituasjon, hvilken brikke Norge kan ha i disse tider og om de rikeste landene sitt ansvar.


Daina: We are looking after contacts in Norway we can cooperate with, and share experiences in environmental cases. That’s why I wonder what organisations you were a member of, or worked in?

Andreas: I’m a member of national green party (Miljøpartiet De Grønne)  in Norway, which I also work for in my free time. I give a specifically amount to Greenpeace, every year. I am a member of young friends of the earth (Natur og Ungdom) and Norwegian Society for the Conversation of Nature (Naturvernforbundet). I completely agree with you that there is important to have a good fellowship between the NGO’s in Norway and Latvia.

Daina: Good!


Andreas: Okay, So I have some questions I would like you could answer.

Are climate changes something that’s on the political agenda in Latvia? Daina: Yes, but not much. There are many other things that the politicians feel is more important, for example the European financial crisis.

Which energy sources are the most important in Latvia?

Daina: Natural gas because we have this natural gas system of course it makes us independent from other countries mainly Russia. We do not have major energy sources ourselves here then natural gas, less important is coal and less important is oil itself. We are lucky because we’re having quite high availability water resources and therefore hydration power stations are quite well supporting our energy need, and biomass as well.

Andreas: When I was in Liepja I saw many wind turbines, how much impact has those on the energy balance in Latvia? DI: It’s very, very small. It’s not paying a big share in our energy balance.

Does Latvia import energy from other countries?

Daina: We import energy from Russia. Andreas: What energy sources is that? DI: Mainly gas supplies. We get energy from Gazprom.

Andreas: Have you noticed some climate changes in Latvia as a result of global warming?

Daina: It’s a tricky question. I think climate change is happening, this is what scientists have calculated and I also believe that there is some quite human impact on that. In Latvia we see that the storms are happen more and more frequently, also flooding and the temperature is getting warmer. In the winter it’s warmer than it is usually, as a result of that the insects that are in the trees in the summer don’t die during the winter. The past years it has been many river floods, which also indicates the climate changes.

Andreas: What are the biggest concerns in Latvia related to the changes in climate that one see will come?

Daina: The summer heat is a problem for the human health. Andreas: Is this for the old people generally? Diana: Yes.

Diana: As a result of climate changes it has been more river floods which make a risk for the houses too get broken. And there is no insurance for this, and that’s not well in a poor country like Latvia.

Andreas: Okay, now this may be the most important question. What can be Latvia’s solutions to global warming?

Changes the bad attitude and knowledge to the Latvian people, and focus on more renewable sources. Andreas: Do you think nuclear power can be inside that? Diana: No, I think it’s better with safer and more trustworthy renewable sources. We’re hoping to get thermal insulation in houses In the future. Andreas: What do you mean by thermal insulation? Diana: Thermal insulation means to reduce the heat transfer that comes from outside into the house. Andreas: Yeah! For example in England it’s been very bad thermal insulation for a long time, so people almost need to use their winter clothes inside. As a result of that people use too much electricity. Diana: Exactly. So by building better thermal insulation, people will save much more money and electricity which will gain the planet.  There is a lot things the government can do better like for example, build more cycling roads and more wind turbines. This list is infinite..!

The government is going to prepare this year climate change adaption strategy for Latvia- national level. Evaluate for our country, main risk climate change and what are mainly impact and treats and mainly need to do something in terms for adaptation.

Andreas: Yeah, that’s a start!

Do you have any suggestion what Norway should do with global warming?

Daina: I was in Oslo this year in many meetings with Hafslund. They presented us information about district heating. In one the flyers it stood that Oslo in 20 years are going   to be 50% by renewable energy.  Andreas: The Norwegian green party and the climate scientists say that we must phase out oil in 20 years. That’s what I believe we should do, and of course focus more on renewable energy. We have the world’s biggest sea wind potential on our west-coast. I read in a book that we can get 50 000 new working places for people in the sea energy sector.

The world’s richest countries are partly the ones that stay behind all the high CO2 emissions-so they have a big responsibility. What should they do?

Daina: The countries should only use renewable energy sources. The countries must start to phase out the oil and coal. It’s very sad to look on China because they build new coal fabrics every week.  And countries must start to collaborate together, and not care about their “world-power status” (China and USA). The human race is definitely more important than capital. We need to prioritize.


Andreas: Okay, then I think I’m done! I am very thankful that you could meet me for an interview! And I hope we can get a good cooperation between our countries!


Daina: Thank you, I hope too! We will keep contact!




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